Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Richardson Chapter 3

This chapter was perfect for me to read right now because I am in the midst of trying to start a class blog.  I decided to try Kidblog because it looks easy and obviously kid friendly.  The chapter reminded me the importance of checking with my principal first to make sure she is OK with me starting a blog.  I also need to get the parents on board.  My first thought is to just post a question a week and let my students post responses.  Eventually I would like to post homework and other things that students might need to access from home.  Maybe one day it will even be as cool as Mrs. Schmidt's Classroom Blog.  She has all kinds of fun stuff like even skyping with authors.  OK, maybe skyping is a stretch for me, but it sure is an awesome way to get students excited about authors.  Wish me luck in my new blogging adventure!


  1. Keep us posted on how your blogging goes and how students respond.

  2. I love the idea of posting a question of the week. It would keep blogging more simple for you, but it would keep students and families checking the blog regularly. Good idea and good luck!
